
…About music. I hope you like music – or at least you want to like music, because this is the place for you! Me, personally, I fall into both camps – I love music and I also want to love music, so I’m in a constant state of loving and wanting to love it more, via discovery and enjoyment. The original purpose of this blog was to take you, the reader, on a tour of popular recorded music history, and I still intend to do so. However, I also use this blog as a space to discuss/contemplate/think/rant over music in general – new stuff, old stuff, nostalgia jams from my childhood, strange discoveries you wouldn’t find anywhere else, ridiculously deep critical readings on weirdly specific genres, etc. Whatever interests me – and so I hope it interests you as well!

“Who are you anyways?”
Well, I’m sure glad you asked! My name is James Joseph and I’m something of a musician and audiophile. I learned and studied classical piano for the vast majority of my childhood, and later on I got interested in creating my own dubstep/EDM compositions with the free trial version of FL Studio. In high school, I picked up the guitar and started with lyrical, folk-style songwriting, and got really into music – especially classic rock, but also popular contemporary music as well. I listen to so much music it’s almost like my job, and so now all I need is an actual obligation to help my endless time-wasting result in some kind of productivity. I have a feeling that this may turn out reasonably well.

So thanks for visiting! And keep reading! I hope you find something you like. I hope even more than I can help you discover your new favorite record, and if you have something that might be my new favorite record, please let me know! Cheers!


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